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'To be the best you can be' - Article 29



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'To be the best you can be' - Article 29

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  • Letter to parents/carers of Year 6 learners from Mr Franklin, Headteacher of Morriston Comprehensive

    Fri 17 Jul 2020

    Dear Parent / Carer,

    Following the Welsh government’s announcement on the reopening of schools last week we are now able to make plans for September. Tuesday 1st September will be a preparation day for staff to prepare for the new term and familiarise themselves with the new systems and guidelines we will need to follow. For the following eight days we will be reintroducing different year groups back into school with the intension to have all year groups back in full time education on Monday 14th September.


    We intend having all year 7 in on Wednesday 2nd September and then for the rest of that week. On the Wednesday, Year 7 and Year 12 will be the only year groups in that day, this will allow Year 7 to have time to get to know the school and learn and understand the safety measures we have put in place. They will spend time with their form group, be given their timetable and will start their learning.
    For the first week, school will start at 8.40am (we suggest pupils arrive around 10 minutes before) and finish at 2.00pm. Lunch will be at 1.15pm; the school canteen will be open serving a reduced menu of hot and cold food or you may wish to send a packed lunch in with your child. The children are expected to arrive in their Morriston school uniform and come with a bag and pencil case. We will send more detailed information through the school website and school twitter account @MorristonComp including a detailed plan for the first week.


    As you can appreciate a great deal of planning is going on to ensure our school is safe and is fully compliant with all Government and Local authority COVID 19 guidelines. During the summer holidays please keep checking the school website as there will be regular updates to our planning. We will also be inviting parents/carers into school during September so you can get to know us at Morriston.


    Please be assured that the safety of pupils and staff has been and will be our overriding priority and you can be confident that we are taking every possible precaution to create a safe environment for learning in Morriston.


    I hope you and your family have a relaxing summer break, and I very much look forward to meeting our new Year 7 in September.


    Mr M Franklin

  • End of term letter to pupils from the Director of Education.

    Fri 17 Jul 2020

    Dear Pupils,
    At the end of the school year, I always write to our schools to look back at what has gone well and to celebrate your successes. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the hard work of our headteachers, school staff and pupils has made me very proud. You, your parents and carers, and your teachers have been involved in teaching and learning from home, using technology in ways that are new to many of us. Some of you have also attended school so that your parents
    and carers were able to continue their work in important services, such as the NHS.


    Many of you will know that your schools are working hard to get ready to welcome you back safely in September.
    For those of you who have not been in to school before the summer holidays, you will notice in September that there will be some differences to what you are used to. These changes are
    there for everybody’s safety. For example:

    • You will be asked to wash your hands more often.
    • You will see more cleaning being carried out around school.
    • You may start the day or have lunch at a slightly different time from what you are used to.
    • You will also need to take a packed lunch for the first couple of weeks.
    • Your school might decide that not all pupils will return on the same day.
    • Breakfast or after school club arrangements may need to change.
    • If you travel to school by bus or taxi, it is likely you will need to wear a face mask and your travel times may be different.


    Your school will explain any changes to you and your parents and carers before your first day back. Once again, I’d like to thank you all. I hope you have a safe and happy summer and look forward to welcoming you back in September.


    Yours sincerely
    Nick Williams
    Director of Education

  • End of term letter to staff, parents and carers from the Director of Education.

    Fri 17 Jul 2020

    Dear Staff/Parents/Carers

    At the end of each academic year, I always write to our schools to look back at the school year and to celebrate our successes. In that sense, this year is no different with our schools continuing to do brilliantly in supporting all our learners as they strive to
    reach their potential. Given this year’s pandemic, I thought it only right that I extend the scope of my communication to include learners and their families too.
    In my letter on 9 July, I was able to confirm that the Welsh Government had announced a return to school for compulsory education for all our learners by 14 September 2020.
    Since that announcement, we have been working closely with our schools to plan for this in a safe and organised way.
    As was the case when schools opened for the check-in and catch-up sessions there will be different approaches across our schools based on a lot of different factors. Each school is carrying out further risk assessments to help them identify the approach that is
    right for your child’s school. However, we have agreed further key principles with our headteachers to ensure that wherever possible there is consistency. All pupils will return in a phased way to school/PRU in the two-week period at the beginning of the autumn term in September (after any preparation days). All pupils (with
    the possible exception of nursery) will be full-time by Monday, 14 September.
    We would like to highlight the following key points:

    • From September, school sessions, where possible, will be provided within the normal operational hours of that school.
    • Where possible, and based on each individual school’s risk assessment, breakfast clubs and after-school clubs can restart.
    • School meals will restart on 14 September. Until that time all pupils will need to bring a packed lunch for the first two weeks of term. The BACS payments and weekly food parcels will continue for this period.

    Additional cleaning hours will allow more frequent cleaning of high frequency contact points in each school.

    • Where possible, parents and carers should continue to travel with their children to and from school. The council’s Transport Team is working with schools to determine the demand for home to school transport for eligible pupils and will endeavour to meet these requirements. The wearing of face masks is likely to be compulsory but further information will be communicated via your school and the Council’s various platforms over the summer.
    • All children will be encouraged to wash their hands regularly with soap and water throughout the day/session. Hand sanitizer will also be available.
    •  As well as a thorough daily clean, a “clean as you go” process will continue to be deployed in all schools to minimise the risk of cross contamination and transmission of Covid-19.

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, the work of our headteachers, school staff and the wider school community has made me immensely proud. From providing childcare to our key workers and our most vulnerable to ensuring that all our learners have food on
    the table our staff have been willing to go the extra mile. Whilst at the same time ensuring that our learners have continued to learn from home and their own nearest and dearest have been taken care of. As Director of Education, I will be eternally grateful for
    all you have done. For our learners, this will have been a period in time that will define their generation. I would like to thank our learners for how they have approached this strange time in their
    learning and make a promise to them that the whole Education system in Swansea is on their side as we continue to ensure that every child and young person has the best possible opportunities in life. Finally, I would like to thank you as parents and carers. The messages of support and challenge have been numerous and I can assure you that they have all played a part in how we as a council have adapted our approaches throughout this time. We will
    continue to work with our schools to ensure that you and your children get the support that you need when we return to school in September. Families who need to access childcare during the 6-week summer holiday period should do so from existing registered private childcare providers available in Swansea. Please
    contact the Swansea Family Information Service 01792 517222/ for further details.


    Please be reassured your child’s school will be providing you with a lot more detail between now and the beginning of term. Thank you for your continued support.


    Yours sincerely
    Nick Williams
    Director of Education


  • Update from Mrs Thomas regarding the return to school in September 2020

    Thu 16 Jul 2020 A. Thomas



    Dear parents, carers and guardians,


    As we approach the last day of the summer term, I wanted to write to wish our Year 6 pupils every success for their future schooling, as they transition to comprehensive school.  We are extremely proud of their achievements and our only disappointment is that we could not celebrate in the usual way, but we know they will flourish as they move forward into Year 7 in September 2020. If you have not already seen the Year 6 Awards Presentation, then please visit the link on the school website:


    With regard to the return to school in September, I am pleased to inform you that we would like to welcome all pupils from Reception to Year 6, to return to school on Thursday 3rd of September 2020.  We would ask that you send a packed lunch with your children for the first two weeks and this will be reviewed from that date.  It is hoped that school meals will start back from Monday 14th of September 2020. Breakfast club and afterschool clubs will recommence when we feel we can safely organise this. We would like to offer the nursery pupils to join us from Monday 7th of September 2020, 8.50am to 11.30am and on a daily basis thereafter.


    There will be much planning going into preparing for September. New operational plans, risk assessments and systems will be put in place to ensure we can welcome all pupils back safely. We will still be keeping up high levels of personal hand and surface hygiene; allocated toilets, staggered playtimes, and our one-way system, with adults, required to maintain social distancing at all times, on the school premises. There will be specific guidance available for you regarding the organisation, timings and arrangements at the beginning of term, such as drop offs and pick-ups etc. so I will write to update you all further when we return to school in September 2020.  


    We will remain prepared to revise plans and to work flexibly in order to respond to ever changing guidance and new situations. Your support has been greatly appreciated over the past few months and we look forward to working closely with you as we move forward with the return to school.  If you have any further queries, concerns or questions then please do not hesitate to contact me on the school telephone or via my email We hope everyone stays safe over the summer holidays and we look forward to welcoming you back to school in the first week of September 2020.


    Best wishes


    Alison Thomas


  • Letter to parents from the Director of Education

    Fri 10 Jul 2020


    Dear Parent / Carer
    We know the past few months have been difficult for learners, with many anxious about loss of learning and not being able to see their friends. That is why we welcome the Education Minister’s plan which will enable the local authority to prepare for the safe
    reopening of the schools that can do so in the first week of September, with all schools to return the following week.

    At the outset, we want to share as much information as we can with you to understand the arrangements that will be in place from September. 


    Planning and preparation days will take place at the start of term to review risk assessment, processes and systems to ensure individual schools can welcome pupils back safely. 


    Some specific groups of learners might need to be prioritised during the first week of term, such as Years 7, 11, 12, 13 and Special Teaching Facilities (STFs) for secondary and Early Years, Year 6 and STFs in primary schools.


    Parents should expect to receive more specific information from their school and the local authority as it becomes available. 

    Given the current extraordinary circumstances, we know hard working staff in schools, learners and their families may well be under additional emotional, financial and psychological pressure. The local authority continues to work closely with schools and settings to consider how best to support the ongoing well-being needs of all learners at this time.


    From the second week of term school attendance will be compulsory. Parents are asked to contact their school if a pupil is unable to attend for any legitimate reason.


    The resumption of schooling will also mean that the Emergency Childcare provision for key workers will come to an end.

    Each school setting will have local challenges to address, including the availability of staffing. Work is underway with colleagues to confirm school transport arrangements. The Local Authority and schools will work closely to overcome and resolve such issues.
    Please keep an eye on the Local Authority’s website which will be updated with further information as soon as it becomes available.


    We recognise that reopening schools in the current climate is challenging. Local authorities and schools are committed to work together to ensure that learners can continue to learn safely. Welsh Government has also made £28m available to support schools to recover.


    Finally, we would like to thank you. These past few months have placed additional stresses on everyone, but particularly for parents and carers who have had to quickly adjust to educating their children at home at a time which is already very challenging. We hope that you find this letter helpful. If you have any queries or questions, please contact your school.


    Nick Williams
    Director of Education 
